La Vieille Ecurie. Watercolour, 17 x29 cm, 2014
La Vieille Ecurie is a charming “Chambre des Hotes”, with a lively bar and restaurant. It is situated in the village of La Vachette in the Vallee de la Claree, near Briancon. In 2014 the current owners, Katie and Richard Fiander, commissioned me to make a winter watercolour painting of their establishment. “Something similar to your Hotel le Yeti painting” they requested.
The owners provided photographs of La Vieille Ecurie taken from various angles, some with snow and some without. The end result uses elements from three or four different photographs, plus additional details (such as my blue Mitsubishi Pinin Pajero in the car park!).
Various characters found their way into the painting as work progressed. Katie and Richard themselves, with their baby son and their dog. Then Katie’s sporty, active parents and finally Richard’s folks sipping a beer and a wine near the doorway!
The painting hangs in the bar area and it’s always lovely when I get feedback from the owners and their clients. I have also produced a number of prints for friends and family members.