This quick drawing is part of a series of drawings that I did at the Atelier Intercommunal des Beaux Arts in Briançon in November 2015. It was just a few days after the massacre at the Batalan club and the other terrorist atrocities in Paris on Friday 13th November. A number of young women, who [...]
Figure Drawings
This drawing was made during an evening class at Berkhamsted School, Hertfordshire. I tried to keep this drawing very simple with dramatic shadows. I’m pleased that I didn’t overwork the hair, or the features. This would be the perfect study for a painting or sculpture of a mermaid, a theme which I explored further in [...]
This charcoal drawing was made in the celebrated “Life Room” on the ground floor of Norwich School of Art. The building is situated in George Street, on the banks of the river Wensum. Fanny, the model, kept this demanding pose for hours on end… a true professional. I really enjoyed the tuition I received from [...]
Foundation Art Course, Harrow College of Higher Education 1982-3. Charcoal pencil and chalk on pastel paper. Barry the model was a lorry driver by day, apparently.