“Through the Looking Glass” Susan Lomas, Borgaro 2016
I’m so sorry to announce that Susan died on Tuesday March 16th, 2021. If you wish, you can leave any messages on this page. Much of her artwork and books remain for sale.
Susan Lomas is an artist and author who currently lives and works in the southern French Alps. Born and educated in the United Kingdom, she attended Norwich School of Art and the Institute of Education, London. After a successful teaching career in British secondary schools Susan moved to France in 2001 in search of some creative adventures:
“The thread that seems to run through all my work, whether drawing, painting, photography or writing, is an insatiable curosity about the world around me. What makes a particular place or person fascinating and unique? Can I communicate this to other people and help them to see the wonder in everyday life? I have an almost forensic eye for details and nuances so I will keep going until I get to the heart of my subject. ”
Susan Lomas, 2016